
Dear body,

You’re about to go through some changes
Some will be painful
Most will be uncomfortable
All will be worth it
Your breast will throb
Swell and leak as they fill
With the nourishment
Meant to sustain this new life
Your organs will shift
Bones will step aside
Skin stretch beyond its imagine capacity
In order to carry the soul
You’ve been tasked to grow
Your hips will spread
As you prepare
To guide this energy
Through your womb
Into what they will come to know
As the world
You will get heavy
Your face will grow
To accompany the increase in weight
You’ll require more rest
Freedom from strong smells
And a more than occasional snack
At times there’ll be things you can’t stomach
Maybe even including the sight of yourself
But remember that you are beautiful
This process is beautiful
This life that you carry, grow and nurture
Is beautiful
You glow from within
Because you are growing
The embodiment of love inside of you
Not even the stars are this radiant
Embrace the changes
Let your body be love’s abode